
Stellina CHEN - 2020 Angouleme - Comic Artists Featured in Taiwan Pavilion

Stellina CHEN

CHEN first began drawing satirical cartoons as a way to combine her passions for foreign affairs (her university major) and illustration.
In the course of her more than three years of collaborating with The News Lens International
one of Taiwan's premier independent media outlets—
CHEN's work has frequently shined a spotlight on political chaos throughout Asia.
In addition, CHEN recently became a resident illustrator for Cartoon Movement,
the Dutch comics journalism publisher, and a member of Cartooning for Peace in France,
marking her foray into illustrations focused on European politics.

Her work, which has been featured in the French publications Courrier International and Le Monde,
offers unique insights from the perspective of a Taiwanese artist on the latest happenings around the globe.

Awards and Exhibitions:

2020-2019 Selected for the artists residency program by Taiwan's Ministry of Culture in conjunction with the bd BOUM - Maison de la bd in France
2019  Solo exhibit of political cartoons, Taipei, Taiwan

Selected Works:

2019  Le Monde 13 août 2019  Hong Kong: la crise s’enlise
2019  Courrier International Nº 1471 du 10 au 16 Janvier 2019
2018  Courrier International  Nº 1446 du 19 au 25 Juillet 2018



2020 Angouleme International Comics Festival Taiwan Pavilion(Trailer & Short Films)

Trailer  Animo CHEN GAO Yan Monday Recover WU Yu-Shi NIN Penpoint Stellina CHEN